Wednesday 4 September 2013


Sorry, there is no new news on the property hunt, but I thought I would put up some photos from the last couple weeks to keep you entertained while we search on.

Spring has sprung down here, and is giving up some pretty sweet light for photography.  Plus there has been some real activity on the work and course front as the Tasmanians shake off their winter slumber and come to life!
Mornings can be frosty

Two of the triplets, doing well

Bob (short for Shish-kabob) is a bit of romantic.  Yes he is doing well!

New pig life at the farm.

We have been milking Elsie!  Great fun, but we always leave a bit for Herbert.

No peace for a cup of tea when Bob is around.

Taking hay to the cattle.

At a Sprout winter market garden course - very interesting!

OK, now today's activities may be a bit confronting for some, but here goes.....

Getting ready to process one of the Fat Pig Farm pigs we took to be killed yesterday.

Ross taking off the shoulder for coppa.

That's right, your tasty breakfast sausage had a face.  See it, accept it, respect it, and if you are up for it, eat it too!

Watching Ross knock out sausage twists - it's hypnotic!

The leg, waiting to be cut into a trotter, hock and a cured ham.

So that is it for now, stay tuned for more adventures to come!

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